Environmental Engineering Reference
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transformers and condensers, as coolant fluids, lubricating fluids, cutting oils, in
paint production and some special papers.
Figure 12.2. Contaminants found in 895 polluted sites
in France in 1996 (www.ifen.fr)
Figure 12.3 is taken from the BASOL website. This website is managed by the
Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières, the French public organization in
charge of geological and environmental surveys. The BASOL website is linked to
the BASIAS database (http://basias.environnement.gouv.fr/) devoted to the
identification and inventory (based on a historical approach) of sites known to
potentially be contaminated. In December 2007, there were 4,033 contaminated sites
recorded in the BASOL database in France. According to the European
Environmental Agency [EUR 01], 175,000 industrial sites were inventoried in the
Netherlands in 1997 (with 60,000 in the screening phase) and 304,000 sites were
identified in Germany in 2001. In 2001 (prior to the extension to Eastern Europe),
the European Environmental Agency estimated that the number of potentially
contaminated sites was close to 1.5 million. We can also observe in Figure 12.3 that
the potentially contaminated sites in France are located in zones of significant
industrial activity (including the Paris, Lyon, Marseille and Bordeaux areas and the
North and East areas).
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