Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 11
Case Studies
11.1. Notre-Dame-la-Grande Church in Poitiers, in situ study
11.1.1. Preliminary diagnostic
The western façade of Notre-Dame-la-Grande Church in Poitiers is a
masterpiece of medieval outdoor sculpture, and has been the subject of many
studies: identification, origin and mapping of lithotypes and deteriorated stones
[BLA 81-96; VER 92b], and petrophysical characterizations [HAM 88].
The façade has been severely deteriorated by halite, linked to rising damp, and
by gypsum formed as a consequence of the interaction of atmospheric pollution with
the stones [VER 92b]. The entire façade was restored between 1992 and 1995 [JEA
92-96]. During this intervention, the core mortars of the two masonry sheets were
removed and replaced by new ones up to a height of 6 meters [JEA 95]. This
operation allowed us to install six capacitive sensors along a vertical transect located
between 0.5 and 5 m inside the masonry core.
This kind of monitoring, planned and financed before restoration took place, and
completed several years afterwards, is the first of its kind in France in such a double-
sheet building.
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