Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Depth of subsoil
Foundation treatment method
0-1.5 m
Moistening and compaction
(conventional extra-heavy, impact or vibratory rollers)
1.5-10 m
− Over-excavation and recompaction (with or without additives, such
as lime or cement)
− Vibroflotation (free-draining soils)
− Rock columns (vibroreplacement)
− Displacement piles
− Injection of silt or lime
− Ponding or flooding (if no impervious layer exists)
Over 10 m
Any of the aforementioned or combinations of the aforementioned,
where applicable; ponding and infiltration wells with or without the
use of explosive
Table 6.5. Methods of treating collapsible foundation soils [CLE 81]
6.4 Bibliography
[ABE 79] A BELEV Y.M., A BELEV M.O.Y., “Bases de l'élaboration des projets et de la
construction sur les sols loessiques affaissables”, Techniques et Documentation , vol. 787
pp. , 1979.
[ANA 73] A NAGNOSTI P., “Storage dams founded on collapsing loess soils”, Proceedings of
the 8 th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering ,
Mockba, pp.7-11, 1973.
[AND 97] A NDERSEN B.J., B ORNS H.W., The Ice Age of the World , Scandinavian University
Press, Oslo, 1997.
[ANT 03] A NTOINE P., C ATTT . J., S OMMÉ J., “The Loess and Coversands of Northern France
and Southern England”, Journal of Quaternary Science , vol. 18, pp. 309-318, 2003
[BAR 73] B ARDEN L., M C G OWN A., C OLLINS K., “The collapse mechanism in partly
saturated soil”. Engineering Geology 7 , pp. 49-60, 1973
[BLI 97] B LIGHT G.E., “Interaction between the atmosphere and the Earth”, Géotechnique ,
vol. 47, pp. 715-767, 1997.
[CLE 81] C LEMENCE S.P., F INTBARRE A.M., “Design considerations for collapsible soils”,
ASCE Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division , vol. 107, no. GT3, pp.305-317,
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