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Once the questionnaire was completed, they were shown 38 screen-shots of
web pages from the sites and were asked if they had seen them and whether
they remembered any jokes Agneta & Frida had made about that web page. The
screen-shots were randomly selected from the site. As there were 40 different
film sites with a number of web pages for each site, these 38 screen-shots only
captured a small set of the entire web space. In average, the subjects had actually
seen 17.2 of the 38 pages.
Finally, subjects in the withA&F group were asked to freely comment the
In total, it took each subject in average 2 hours to complete the steps.
Afterwards we explained the study and the design rationale behind Agneta
The withoutA&F group went through the same steps as the withA&F
group, except all questions related to Agneta & Frida were removed from the
questionnaire, and their facial expressions were not recorded.
Merging the Agneta & Frida story with the web browsing?
The interviews made it clear that subjects had understood both the basic story
of Agneta and Frida, as well as appropriated the gist of the web information. On
the one hand, subjects inferred that Agneta & Frida were mother and daughter,
that they were poor, that Frida was unmarried, and that Frida was more sar-
castic and often more knowledgeable than her mother. Here is an example of a
subject providing the back-story of the characters (translated from Swedish):
Yes, they are relatives and they do not really get along that well but they are
stuck, they cannot do anything else. If they had the possibility to do something
else, they would. Then. . . Frida is the daughter, right? She started to look at me,
like, or, I do not know the intention of that. . . [. . .] so they seem to be tired of
what they are doing.
As many as 50% of the subjects agreed with the statement “I know someone
From the interviews, it was equally obvious that the subjects made sense
of the contents of the web pages. They understood that it was a heteroge-
neous collection of links to independent movie production companies, some of
which were quite poor and amateurish. Subjects interested in film production
were fascinated by how low-budget production companies manage to survive
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