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[holds(lives(peasant), int(x1, x2)),
holds(married_to(peasant, wife), int(x1, x2)),
holds(disobeys(wife, peasant), int(x1, x2)),
occurs(quarrel(peasant, wife), int(x2, x12)),
occurs(do(peasant, walk(in(woods))), int(x4, x5)),
occurs(finds(peasant, pit, under(bush)), int(x5, x6)),
goal(peasant, holds(loc(wife, in(pit)), int(x8, x9)), int(x10, x8)),
occurs(do(peasant, trick(wife)), int(x7, x8)),
holds(loc(wife, in(pit)), int(x8, x9)),
holds(alone(peasant), int(x8, x9)),
occurs(time_passes, int(x9, x20)),
The story rule
We model a story as having two sub-components, a setting and an episode list,
each having temporal intervals such that the setting interval must meet that of
the episode list. Starting rule for stories .
story(story(Setting, Ep_list)) ->
setting(Setting, S_time),
episodes(Ep_list, E_time),
{meets(S_time, E_time)}.
The left hand side of the rule states that a story is a labeled pair story(Setting,
Ep_list). The right hand side states (1) that Setting and the temporal interval
S_time must satisfy the rule for a setting; (2) Ep_list and the temporal interval
E_time must satisfy the rule for episodes; and (3) the temporal intervals S_time
and E_time must satisfy the constraint meets.
Rules for episodes
The episodes rule shown below defines this component as a non-empty list of
components of the form ep(Ev,ER,A,O). The subcomponents of the episode
are as follows:
Ev, an initiating event
ER, an emotional response on the part of the protagonist
A, an action response on the part of the protagonist
O, an outcome or state description which holds at the conclusion of the
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