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Figure 1. Static image selection screen.
acquisitions? It is the transition from the stage of questioning adult authority
into assuming the power and role of an adult that is the subject of documented
inquiry and my poetic response.
How the presentation system works: very simply
The user is presented with sixteen images randomly chosen that appear on the
boundaries of the frame of the computer screen (See Figure 1). Of these sixteen,
four among 32 different invisibly coded primary themes are represented - each
image has its own theme. Each theme has four images representing it among
the sixteen. The user must then select four images in any order by clicking
on them. The user can pass the cursor over each image to hear a sound bite
associated with the image to help decide to choose it. The images move to one
of four positions in a rectangle in the center. The user can also make changes
at will.
When the user has decided on the chosen four, s/he is taken to a screen
where videos associated with these images play (See Figure 2). At the end of the
viewing, the first screen returns and sixteen more images are selected. How-
ever, these are not all randomly selected. Twelve of the sixteen new images are
selected by an algorithm. Their variables are provided by the theme data of the
sixteen images previously chosen. Four of the new images are randomly se-
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