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10) On the Cluster Model tab in results perspective, with the cluster menu trees expanded, we
now see that documents 2 and 4 (papers 14 (Madison) and 18 (collaboration)) are grouped
together, while the two of Jay's papers (documents 1 (paper 5) and 5 (paper 3)) are grouped
with Hamilton's paper (document 3; paper 17). This is very encouraging because the
suspected collaboration paper (no. 18) has now been associated with both Madison's and
Hamilton's writing, but not with Jay's. Let's give our model one more of Jay's papers to
further train it in Jay's writing style, and see if we can find further evidence that paper 18 is
most strongly connected to Madison and Hamilton. Repeat steps 7 through 9, only this
time, find the text of Federalist Paper 4 (also written by John Jay) and paste it into a new
Create Document operator.
Figure 12-26. The addition of another Create Document operator containing the
text of Federalist Paper 4 by John Jay.
11) Be sure to rename the second Create Document operator descriptively, as we have done in
Figure 12-26. When you have used the Edit Text button to paste the text for Federalist
Paper 4 into your model and have ensured that your ports are all connected correctly, run
the model one last time and we will proceed to…
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