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ket specifications and conservation controls; and (4) develop permanent market
linkages. In addition to the priority species other valuable species should be main-
tained/included in the dudukuhan to serve household needs and reduce risks.
Integrating collaboration and support with multiple agencies (local govern-
ments, extension offices, NGOs, universities, the private sector, and research and
development organizations) through a responsive extension approach enhances
impact to improve smallholder farmer management skills regarding tree propaga-
tion and nursery management, tree and farming system management, post harvest
handling, and farmer-operated semi-commercial enterprises.
Acknowledgements The authors thank the United States Agency for International Development
(USAID), Rural Environmental Management Program, Jakarta Mission for the support provided
through the Agroforestry Innovations and Livelihood Enhancement in West Java (Cooperative
Agreement No.497-A-00-03-00007-00) and to Winrock International for technical support pro-
vided. The opinions expressed within the paper are those of the authors and does not reflect the
views of USAID or Winrock International.
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