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Constraint ( 4.10 ) eliminates the solutions with no open facility. Constraints ( 4.11 )
and the objective function ( 4.9 ) ensure that all demand points are served by a facility
within the smallest possible distance.
A semi-relaxation of this formulation, which is obtained by removing the
binary restriction on the y variables, provides the best known lower bound for the
p-center problem. This lower bound can be obtained by solving a finite series of LP
problems, which are the LP relaxations of the set covering problems. Elloumi et al.
( 2004 ) also provided an exact algorithm that combines the important properties of
the algorithms of Minieka ( 1970 ) and Ilhan and Pınar ( 2001 ). Their algorithm uses
the two-phase idea and a binary search strategy similar to the algorithm by Ilhan and
Pınar ( 2001 ), but restricts the set of radius values to solve the set covering problems
with the finite radius set R as in Minieka ( 1970 ).
Calik and Tansel ( 2013 ) developed new IP formulations and a new exact
algorithm based on the decomposition of their models for solving the p-center
problem. They associated a binary variable u k with r k , for each k 2f 1;:::;K g .
In particular, u k is equal to 1 if r k is selected as the optimal value and 0 otherwise.
Initially, they proposed the following formulation:
r k u k
subject to
( 4.5 ), ( 4.6 ),
y i u k
8 j 2 J;k D 1;:::;K;
iWd ji r k
u k D 1;
u k 2f 0;1 g
k D 1;:::;K:
Constraint ( 4.15 ) sets exactly one of the variables u k to 1 and the corresponding
r k value is selected as the optimal value according to the objective function ( 4.13 ).
Constraints ( 4.14 ) ensure that each customer is served within the selected radius
by at least one facility. Constraints ( 4.16 ) are binary restrictions. The authors
proposed a tightened formulation by using a relationship between their formulation
and the formulation proposed by Elloumi et al. ( 2004 ). In this formulation,
constraints ( 4.14 ) are replaced with constraints ( 4.17 )givenbelow:
y i
u q ; 8 j 2 J;k D 1;:::;K:
iWd.i;j/r k
The semi relaxations of these formulations, in which the binary restriction of
the y-variables are removed, provide the tight lower bound obtained by Elloumi
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