Geoscience Reference
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path of the tree is an absolute center and that the distance is a convex function along
any path of the tree. Given any node v i , the algorithm first determines the vertex v j
whose distance to v i is maximum, then determines the node v k whose distance to
v j is maximum. The path linking v j and v k is a longest one and the absolute center
is its midpoint.
Kariv and Hakimi ( 1979 ) provided an O. nlogn / algorithm for the weighted
center problem on a tree, which was improved to O.n/ by Megiddo ( 1983 ).
For an arbitrary graph G and p 2, Kariv and Hakimi ( 1979 ) proved that the
p-center problem is NP-hard even on a planar graph where the maximum degree is
3 and all node weights and edge lengths are equal to 1. The result is also true for
the vertex-restricted problem. The authors show that the problem with p 2 can be
solved in O.n 2 log n/ time when G is a tree.
Hochbaum and Shmoys ( 1985 ) developed a two-approximation algorithm for the
unweighted discrete problem with I D J and edge lengths satisfying the triangle
inequality. The algorithm runs in O. j E j log j E j / time. Hsu and Nemhauser ( 1979 )
proved that it is NP-hard to find an approximation with a better guarantee. Dyer and
Frieze ( 1985 )gaveanO. np / algorithm with a guarantee of min f 3;1 C Ǜ g ,whereǛ
is the ratio of the largest weight and the minimum weight. In the unweighted case,
this guarantee is 2.
Exact Methods for
-Center Problems
We first observe that the different variants of the p-center problem can be trans-
formed into a discrete p-center problem and solved as such.
In the case of the vertex-restricted p-center problem, the set I of possible
locations and the set J of demand points are both equal to the set of vertices V .
The weighted and unweighted absolute p-center problems enjoy the same
property as their single facility counterpart: an optimal solution can always be found
in the set of vertices and intersection points. This follows from the fact that each
point x i of an optimal solution X p must be a local minimizer of the function given
by the maximum (possibly weighted) distance to the vertices that are allocated to
x i , i.e., which are closer to that x i than to any other point of X p . To transform an
absolute p-center problem into a discrete p-center problem one thus simply sets
I D V [ P,whereP denotes the set of intersection points, and J D V .
The remainder of this section is now devoted to models and algorithms for
solving the discrete p-center problem.
Several methods based on solving finite series of an auxiliary problem called the
set covering problem are developed. The set covering problem is a kind of covering
problem (see Chap. 5 ), which is closely related to the p-center problem. Given a
zero-one matrix A D Œa ji , the set covering problem consists of finding a set of
columns at minimum cost that covers the rows of the matrix A. In order to minimize
the number of facilities required to serve all customers within a given radius value
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