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interested reader is referred to Krarup and Pruzan ( 1983 ), Cornuéjols et al. ( 1990 ),
Labbé et al. ( 1995 ), ReVelle and Laporte ( 1996 )orVerter( 2011 ) for overviews of
the main contributions.
Bounds for UFLP Derived from LP Duality
Consider the LP relaxation of UFLP, in which constraints ( 3.38 ) have been
written as y i x ij 0, and the upper bound constraints on the y variables
as y i 1, i 2 I.Let u , w and t denote the vectors of dual variables of
appropriate dimensions associated with constraints ( 3.37 ), ( 3.38 ) and the upper
bound constraints, respectively. Then, the dual of the LP relaxation of UFLP is
maximize X
u j X
t i
subject to X
w ij t i f i i 2 I
u j w ij c ij
i 2 I;j 2 J
w ij 0
i 2 I; j 2 J
t i 0
i 2 I:
The optimal values for the t variables can be determined from the optimal w
values as t i D P j2J w ij f i C , i 2 I,where.a/ C D max f 0;a g . In turn, the
optimal w values can be determined from the optimal u values as w ij D u j c ij C ,
i 2 I;j 2 J. Therefore, DUFLP can be expressed in terms of only u variables as
@ X
max D. u / D X
u j X
u j c ij C f i
Furthermore, the following optimality conditions hold:
(a) There exists an optimal DUFLP solution where u j min i2I c ij for all j 2 J.
If u j < min i2I c ij for some j 2 J, then we can increase the value of u j without
decreasing the objective function value.
(b) There exists an optimal DUFLP solution where P j2J u j c ij C f i 0 for
all i 2 I.
If P j2J u j c ij C f i >0for some i 2 I, we can decrease the value of
some component u j (with u j >c ij / without decreasing the objective function
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