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determined throughout the period. A review on relocation models can be found in
Brotcorne et al. ( 2003 ).
Relocation approaches proposed so far are based on Markov chain models
(Alanis et al. 2013 ) or on approximate dynamic programming (Maxwell et al. 2009 ,
2013 ;Schmid 2012 ). Gendreau et al. ( 2001 ) use a parallel tabu search heuristic
for solving the dynamic relocation problem. Further approaches were presented by
Rajagopalan et al. ( 2008 ) and Schmid and Doerner ( 2010 ).
Because of real-time requirements encountered in practical settings, literature
on ambulance relocation focuses mainly on heuristic solution methods. One such
heuristic was proposed by Andersson and Värbrand ( 2007 ).Themainideawasto
include a so-called preparedness of ambulances. For this purpose, the area to serve
is divided into a number of zones. Denote by I the set of ambulances and by J
the set of zones which have a demand for ambulances. A weight d j is assigned
to each zone j which states the demand for ambulances in the zone. p j is the
(exogenous) number of ambulances that contribute to the preparedness in zone j
and ij represents the driving time from ambulance location i to zone j. Moreover,
let t j denote the travel time of the lth closest ambulance to zone j and let x be
the vector form of the decision variables x ij which are equal to 1 if ambulance i is
relocated to zone j and 0 otherwise. Clearly, t j .x/ is a function of the x-variables
since the travel time depends on where the ambulances are located currently as
decided by the values in x. In addition, let l be the (user-defined) contribution
factor of the lth closest ambulance and let the following two properties be fulfilled:
t j t j ::: t p j ;
1 > 2 >:::> p j :
The preparedness in zone j is then defined as
p j
t j
q j D 1
d j
Andersson and Värbrand ( 2007 ) proposed a tree search algorithm that tackles the
following relocation model in order to minimize the maximum travel time for the
ambulances ( 21.54 ) while restricting possible relocations:
z X
j2J i
subject to
ij x ij
8 i 2 I
p j
t j .x/ q min 8 j 2 J
c j
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