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Hence the two problems are equivalent, and Chen et al. ( 2010 ) solved the RLP
indirectly with a branch-and-cut algorithm for the unit degree Steiner Arborescence
Introducing binary variables y i to indicate if a node i 2 N 2 is used in the
arborescence, and binary variables x ij to indicate if arc .i;j/ 2 A is used, the
problem can be formulated as:
c ij x ij
subject to
x ij D 1j 2 N 1 ;
iW.i;j/2ı .fjg/
x ij D y j j 2 N 2 ;
iW.i;j/2ı .fjg/
x ij 1W N; W \ N 1 ¤; ;
.i;j/2ı .W/
x ij y k W N; k 2 W \ N 2 ;
.i;j/2ı .W/
x rj D 1
jW.r;j/2ı C .frg/
x ij 2f 0;1 g .i;j/ 2 A;
y i 2f 0;1 g i 2 N 2 :
Constraints ( 20.23 )and( 20.24 ) are degree constraints imposing that each node
used in the arborescence has exactly one incoming arc, cut constraints ( 20.25 )and
( 20.26 ) ensure connectivity, while ( 20.27 ) is the degree constraint on the root.
A weighted version of the problem was also discussed by Chen et al. ( 2010 ),
where a cost w i is associated with the placement of a regenerator in node i 2 V ,
depending on the location in the network. The model above can again be used by
setting the cost of arc .i 1 ;i 2 / to w i instead of one.
Computational results reported show the effectiveness of the branch-and-cut
algorithm for small to medium size instances. For large scale instances, heuristics
appear to be the only viable approach as the lower bounds provided by the branch-
and-cut algorithm are really weak. Very recently, Duarte et al. ( 2014 ) proposed
randomized heuristics that outperform the constructive heuristics of Chen et al.
( 2010 ).
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