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network (assumed undirected) then d ( x , y ) is usually the length of a shortest path
between x and y . For planar problems when ǝ D R 2 , with x D ( 1 , 2 ), y D ( 1 ,
2 ), d ( x , y )isoftenthe` p -distance: jj x - y jj
D Πj 1 - 1 j p Cj 2 - 2 j p 1= p , with
p 1. Taking p D 1 or 2 gives the well-known rectilinear or Euclidean distance,
respectively. The limiting case of the ` p -distance as p goes to infinity, denoted
by jj x y jj 1 ,isgivenby jj x - y jj 1 D max fj 1 - 1 j ; j 2 2 jg , and is called
the Tchebyshev distance. The Tchebyshev distance in R 2 is sometimes analytically
convenient because it is known (Francis et al. 1992 ) to be equivalent to the planar
rectilinear distance under a 45-degree rotation of the axes. We define the diameter
of ǝ by diam .ǝ/ D sup f d.x;y/ W x;y 2 ǝ g , with the understanding that possibly
diam (ǝ) DC1 . More generally, ǝ can be a metric space (Goldberg 1976 ) with
metric d , but no loss of insight occurs by considering the network and planar cases
for ǝ.
Suppose we have n DPs, v j 2 ǝ, j D 1, :::, n . Denote the list (or vector) of
DPs by V D ( v 1 , :::, v n ). When we aggregate, we replace each DP v j by some
ADP v j in ǝ, obtaining an ADP list V 0 D v 0 1 ;:::;v 0 n . While the DPs are usually
distinct, the ADPs are not, since otherwise there is no computational advantage to
the aggregation. When we wish to model q distinct ADPs, we let denote the set
of q distinct ADPs, say Df 1 , :::, q g . We use the former (latter) ADP notation
when the correspondence between DPs and ADPs is (is not) of interest. Usually we
have q n .
For any positive integer p ,let S Df s k , :::, s p g denote any p -server, the set of
locations of the p servers, S ǝ. (This symbol p is a different symbol from the
one defining the ` p -distance.) Denote the location model with the given original
DPs by f ( S : V ), and the one with the aggregate DPs by f ( S : V 0 ). The notation f ( S : V )
and f ( S : V 0 ) captures a key idea that an aggregation is a replacement of V by V 0 , with
the entries of V 0 not all distinct .
For the large class of location models with similar or indistinguishable
servers, with only the closest one to each DP assumed to serve the DP, for
any p -server S ǝ and DP v 2 ǝ we denote by D ( S , v ) min f d ( s k , v ): k D 1,
:::, p g the distance between v and a closest element in S . We then define the
closest-distance vectors D.S;V/ D S;v j W j D 1;:::;n ;D.S;V 0 /
D S;v 0 j W j D 1;:::;n 2 R n
. Suppose g is some “costing” function with
domain R n
attaching a cost to D ( S , V )and D ( S , V 0 ). This gives original and
approximating location models f ( S : V ) g ( D ( S , V )) and f ( S : V 0 ) g ( D ( S , V 0 )),
respectively. Important and perhaps best-known instances of g are the p -
median and p -center costing functions, g.U/ D w 1 u 1 CC w n u n ,and
g.U/ D max f w 1 u 1 ;:::; w n u n g respectively; the w j are positive constants, often
called “weights”, and may be proportional to the number of trips between servers
and DPs. Thus f ( S : V ) is either the p -median model, w 1 D ( S , v 1 ) C ::: C w n D ( S , v n ),
or the p -center model, max f w 1 D ( S , v 1 ), :::, w n D ( S , v n ) g . These models originate
from Hakimi ( 1965 ) (each is called unweighted if all w j D 1: j D 1, :::, n ). They are
perhaps the two best-known models in location theory. The covering model, a model
related to the center model, will be described later in this chapter. Subsequently,
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