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while when is small, the waiting times in both systems are quite small and the
large relative difference may not be of practical significance. Thus, as a rough
approximation, M=G=1 system can be used in place of M=G= when the expected
waiting times are of primary interest.
How ev er, when the primary measure of interest is the expected total time in the
system W , one has to be more care fu l. When the system is highly utilized, i.e., is
close to 1, the main determinant of W is the waiting time and the previous argument
applies. However, when the system utilization is lower, the expected service time
will play a large role. Since it is 1= 0 for M=G= and 1= D = 0 for M=G=1,
the differe nc e is quite large and approximation is no longer appropriate. Thus, with
respect to W , the approximation can only be justified in the heavy utilization case.
Turning our attention back to the M=G=1 system, we would like to
rewrite ( 17.12 ) in terms of decision variables in our model. This is not difficult
to do, and with a little algebraic manipulation we obtain the following expression
for the expected waiting time at an open facility i 2 I:
i C 1
D .1 C 2 / i
2 i . i i / C 1
W i D W q
with i given by ( 17.6 ). We assume that W i D 0 if there is no facility at i.
Several comments are in order. First, we treat 2 as an intrinsic model parameter,
rather than a decision variable, i.e., we assume that the coefficient of variation of
service times is fixed in advance. While this is certainly the case when a specific
distribution of service times is assumed (e.g., for M=M=1 queues 2 D 1), there is,
in principle, no reason why this should not be a decision parameter in the system.
For example, if the decision on how much capacity to install in facility i also deals
with what kind of capacity to install, then the coefficient of variation could well
be affected, as well as i : service systems with higher level of automation may have
lower , while more manual processes may have higher (of course the resulting
values may be different at different facilities, so i notation would have to be used).
Another case where may be a decision variable is when customers at different
nodes have different service time variabilities, in which case the allocation decisions
x ij may well influence the total demand i and the variability of service times i
as well as i . Nevertheless, we are not aware of any SLCIS model that treats this
parameter as a decision variable; in fact the value of the coefficient of variation is
assumed to be identical at all facilities, which is reflected in our usage of without
a subscript.
Second, observe that W i (and W q
i ) is decreasing in i , increasing in i and
convex with respect to both i and i whenever system stability conditions ( 17.7 )
hold. These properties are exploited in many SLCIS models that follow.
Let WC . w / represent the “waiting cost”, i.e. the cost incurred by customers
waiting w units of time (henceforth we assume that waits include service times,
i.e. use measure W defined earlier; an equivalent treatment can be developed by
focusing on waiting times in queue only, i.e. W q ). As with the travel costs, we
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