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Eq. ( 13.1 ), by exchanging the sites of facilities r and s.Therearen.n 1/=2 such
values. It can be easily verified that:
˚ c ir d p.i/p.s/ d .p.i/p.r/ C c is d p.i/p.r/ d .p.i/p.s/
f rs D 2
˚ Œc ir c is d p.i/p.r/ d p.i/p.s/ :
D 2
Calculating f rs by ( 13.3 ) requires only O.n/ time rather than O.n 2 / time.
Taillard ( 1991 ) points to yet a faster formula for calculating f rs .Let u v f rs be
the variation in the value of the objective function corresponding to exchanging u
and v given that the previous exchange involved r and s, and assuming u and v
different from r and s. This change in the value of the objective function can be
calculated in O.1/ time starting from the second iteration. The formula is based
on f u v (the change in the value of the objective function from the previous
permutation by exchanging the pair u v). Therefore, one needs to keep all the values
of f ij for all pairs i;j. Saving these values requires O.n 2 / time for each evaluation
of all pair exchanges. It can be easily verified by ( 13.3 )that:
u v f rs D f uv C 2Œc su C c rv c sv c ru d p.s/p. u / C d p.r/p.v/ d p.s/p.v/ d p.r/p. u / ;
which is calculated in O.1/ time. Note that only 2n 3 pairs are not mutually
exclusive and formula ( 13.3 ) can be used in these cases to evaluate f rs . Therefore,
evaluating the change in the value of the objective function for all n.n 1/=2
possible pair exchanges requires O.n 2 / time rather than O.n 4 / time.
Many metaheuristic approaches have been suggested for solving the QAP. For
example, simulated annealing was proposed by Wilhelm and Ward ( 1987 ), Connoly
( 1990 ), Misevicius ( 2003 ), ant colonies was investigated by Gambardella et al.
( 1999 ), Taillard ( 1998 , 2000 ), Talbi et al. ( 2001 ), migrating birds optimization was
suggested by Duman et al. ( 2012 ), scatter search was implemented by Cung et al.
( 1997 ), simulated jumping was proposed by Amin ( 1999 ) and a greedy randomized
adaptive search procedure was designed by Li et al. ( 1994 ) and Oliveira et al. ( 2004 ).
Various versions of the metaheuristic tabu search (Glover 1977 , 1986 ; Glover
and Laguna 1997 ) were suggested for the solution of the QAP. Skorin-Kapov
( 1990 ) proposed the first application of tabu search followed by Taillard ( 1991 )
who proposed the Robust Tabu. The latter remained as the most powerful heuristic
approach for many years. The tabu list is set to contain pairs of facility-site (i.e.,
there are n 2 possible entries in the tabu list). There is a short term and long term
tabu memory.
Short Term Memory: When a facility is removed from a site, the iteration number
is recorded. An exchange between two facilities is not allowed (unless the
objective function is better than the best one found so far) if both facilities move
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