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x ije z k
i;j;k 2 N
x ije 0
i;j;k 2 N
Z i 2f 0;1 g i 2 N:
Constraints ( 12.14 ) guarantee that there is a single path connecting the origin and
destination nodes of every commodity. Constraints ( 12.15 ) prohibit commodities
from being routed via a non-hub node. As in UHLPSA, there is no need to
explicitly state the integrality on the x ije variables because there always exists an
optimal solution of ( 12.14 )-( 12.17 ) in which all x ije variables are integer. This
formulation has O.n 4 / variables and O.n 3 / constraints and usually provides tight
LP bounds. Hamacher et al. ( 2004 )andMarín( 2005a ) independently prove that
constraints ( 12.15 ) are indeed facet-defining inequalities. Marín ( 2005a ) provide
other classes of inequalities associated with the set-packing polytope which also
define facets.
The number of routing variables x ije can be further reduced by defining a set
of candidate hub arcs for each O/D pair (see Contreras et al. 2011b ). This is done
by using the property that no flow will be routed through a hub arc containing two
different hubs whenever it is cheaper to route it through only one of them (Boland
et al. 2004 ;Marín 2005a ).
In HLPs with multiple assignments it is also possible to completely eliminate
the undirected routing variables x ije by exploiting the supermodular properties
presented in Sect. 12.2.2 . We define binary hub arc location variables y e , e 2 E,
equal to 1 if and only if a hub arc is located at e. For each i;j 2 N,weorderthe
elements of E by non-decreasing values of their coefficients F ije , and we denote
e rk to the r-th element according to that ordering. That is, F ije 1 F ije 2
F ije jEj k F e ij jEjC1 ,whereF e ij jEjC1 D F ij e
is the cost for the fictitious edge
e such that .i/ F e k > max e2E F ek ,forallk 2 K;and. ii / P k2K F ek >
max e2E .f e C P k2K F ek /. This assumption guarantees that at least one hub variable
y e is at value one in any optimal solution. The UHLPMA can be stated as the
following MIP (see Contreras and Fernández 2014 ):
minimize X
f k Z k C X
subject to ij F ije r C X
.F ije F ije r / N y e r D 1;:::; j E jC 1; i;j 2 N
y e z k
e D .k;m/ 2 E
y e z m
e D .k;m/ 2 E
y e ; z i 2f 0;1 g
e 2 E;i 2 N;
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