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1-median problem on network N can be formulated as follows:
@ X
A :
Minimize X
w jt d t .v j ;x t / C g.t/d t .x t ;x tC1 /
In this model, w jt denotes the weight of vertex v j 2 V in period t 2 T ; x t represents
the location of the median in period t 2 T (the exact location x t , is defined with
respect to the edge to which the median belongs and is given by its distance to the
closest end node of the edge); d t .v j ;x t / is the shortest path between v j and x t in
period t 2 T ; g.t/ is a function representing the unitary cost for relocating the
facility in the end of period t moving it from location x t in period t to location x tC1
in period t C 1 (t 2 T , x jT jC1 D x jT j ). Hakimi et al. ( 1999 ) proved that the vertex-
optimality property holds for this problem. The above model and this result can be
easily extended to the p-facility case. The formulation is the following:
@ X
Minimize X
A :
w jt d t .v j ;X t / C g.t/d t .X t ;X tC1 /
In this case, X 1 ;:::;X jT j are the sets of locations for the p facilities during the
planning horizon with X jT jC1 D X jT j ; d t .v j ;X t / D min f d t .v j ;x k / j x k 2 X t g ;
d t .X t ;X ;tC1 / is defined by the total weight of a minimum weight perfect matching
in the complete bipartite graph G t .X t ;X tC1 / defined as follows: X t and X tC1 define
the partition; for every point x 0 in X t and for every point x 00 in X tC1 the weight of
the edge .x 0 ;x 00 / is given by d t .x 0 ;x 00 /.In( 11.10 ), g.t/ denotes the unitary cost
for relocating a facility in (the end of) time period t 2 T . This problem is NP-hard
since it includes the static network p-median problem as a particular case. For this
reason, the authors developed a heuristic procedure.
One important class of facility location problems on networks are center
problems. The multi-period extension of the 1-center problem on a network was
proposed also by Hakimi et al. ( 1999 ). The model is the following (the notation is
the same presented above):
j2V ˚ w jt d t .v j ;x t / C g.t/d t .x t ;x tC1 / :
x 1 ;x 2 ;:::;x jT jC1
Again, X jT jC1 D X jT j . If the choice for x t is restricted to a finite number of points
in the network, the problem can be handled using a technique similar to the one
presented in the same paper for the multi-period p-median problem.
The existing literature reveals that for most of the multi-period extensions
proposed so far for well-known minsum facility location problems, the vertex-
optimality property holds. This reduces the location space to a discrete set.
Accordingly, models and techniques from integer programming and combinatorial
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