Geoscience Reference
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In this section we state the fundamental properties of Problem ( 10.28 ). We
will present a localization result which generalizes the well-known results by
Hakimi on finite dominating sets for the center and median problems on networks
(Hakimi 1964 ) and gives some insight in the connection between median and center
For all v i ;v j 2 V; i ¤ j define
EQ ij WDf x 2 P.G/ W w i d.v i ;x/ D w j d.v j ;x/ g
and let EQ WD S f EQ ij W i;j with i ¤ j g .
The points in EQ are called equilibria points of N. Two points a;b 2 EQ are
called consecutive, if there is no other c 2 EQ on the shortest path between a
and b. The points in EQ establish a partition on N with the property that for two
consecutive elements a;b 2 EQ the permutation which gives the order of the vector
d .x/ is the same for all x 2 Œa;b.
Now we will give a finite dominating set (FDS) for the optimal locations of
Problem ( 10.28 ), see Nickel and Puerto ( 1999 ) for further details.
Theorem 10.6 An optimal solution for Problem ( 10.28 ) can always be found in the
set Cand WD EQ [ V .
Proof Starting from the original graph G, build a set of new graphs G 1 ;:::;G K
by inserting all points of EQ as new nodes. Now every subgraph G i is defined by
I. Two consecutive elements of EQ on an edge or
II. An element v i 2 V n EQ and the adjacent elements of EQ
and the corresponding edges. In this situation for every subgraph G i the permutation
of d .x/ is constant (by definition of EQ ). Therefore for all x 2 P.G i / we have
i d .i/ .x/ D
i w .i/ d.v .i/ ;x/;
where 2 P.1;:::;n/,andP.1;:::;n/is defined as the set of all permutations of
f 1;:::;n g . Therefore we can replace the objective by a classical median-objective.
Now we can apply Hakimi's node dominance result in every G i and the result
Theorem 10.6 also gives rise to some geometrical subdivision of the network
N. Like indicated in the proof of Theorem 10.6 we can assign to every subgraph
G i ;i D 1;:::;k a n-tuple giving in the i-th position the i-th nearest vertex to all
points in G i . As an example we have in Fig. 10.2 a graph with three nodes and all
weights w i and all lengths are 1.
This partition can be seen as a kind of higher order Voronoi diagram of N quite
related to the Voronoi partition of networks introduced in Hakimi et al. ( 1992 ).
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