Geoscience Reference
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Algorithm 9.1 Step 1. Compute the planar graph generated by the cells and the
two sets of lexicographical locations
X 1;2 ;
X 2;1 .
X 1;2 \
X 2;1 ¤; then set
X Par WD conv.
X 1;2 / (trivial case
X .f 1 / \
Step 2.
X .f 2 / ¤; ). Otherwise set
X Par WD
X 1;2 [
X 2;1 (non trivial case
X .f 1 / \
X .f 2 / D; )
Step 3.
X 1;2 \
Step 4. Scan the list of cells a dj acent to x until we get situation S 1 for a cell C
or two consecutive cells, C, C , in situations C 2f S2;S3 g and C 2f S2;S4 g ,
Step 5.
Choose x 2
X Par WD
X Par [ C (we have found a bounded
If situation A occurs then
X Par [ xy where y is a vertex of C defined in situations
S2 and S4 (we have found a bounded face.)
Step 6.
X Par WD
cell.) Otherwise
Let C be the last scanned cell. Choose y 2
\ C and, such that, y is
X 2;1 stop. Otherwise, set x WD y and go to Step 4.
connected to x .If y 2
X Par f 1 ;f 2 .
Edelsbrunner ( 1987 ) proved that the computation of a planar graph induced by
n lines in the plane can be done in O.n 2 / time. This implies that in the case of
the minisum location problem the computation of the planar graph generated by the
fundamental direction lines is doable in O.M 2 G max / time.
The evaluation of the minisum location function needs O.M log.G max // for
one point, therefore we obtain O.M 3 G max log .G max // time for the computation
of lexicographic solutions. At the end, the complexity for computing the chain is
O.M 3 G max log .G max //, since we have to consider at most O.M 2 G max / cells and the
determination of sit .:;:/can be done in O.M log.G max // time. Hence, the overall
complexity is O.M 3 G max log .G max //. Notice that the polynomial complexity of
this algorithm allows an efficient computation of the solution set.
Example 9.6 Consider a three-criteria median problem with nine existing facilities
A Df a 1 ;:::;a 9 g (see Fig. 9.10 ). The coordinates a i D .x i ;y i / of the existing
facilities are given by the set: f . 3;0/;.3;0/;.0; 4/;.11; 6/;.17; 6/;.14; 2/;
.11;2/; .17;2/;.14;6/ g ,
w q ;q D 1;2;3 are
w 1 D .2;2;1;0;0;0;0;0;0/,
w 2 D .0;0;0;2;2;1;0;0;0/ and
w 3 D
The optimal solutions of the location problems associated with the median
functions f 1 , f 2 and f 3 with f q D P iD1 w i k x a i k 1 , q D 1;2;3, are unique
and given by
X 3 Df .14;2/ g , respectively,
all of them with the (optimal) objective value 16. The bicriteria chains (consisting
of cells and edges with respect to the fundamental directions drawn in Fig. 9.10 )are
given by
X 1 Df .0;0/ g ,
X 2 Df .14; 6/ g and
X Par f 1 ;f 3 D .0;0/.3;0/ [ conv. f .3;0/;.3;2/;.11;2/;.11;0/ g / [ .11;2/.14;2/;
X Par f 2 ;f 3 D .14;2/.14; 6/;
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