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X Par ,wehave
Second, since x 2
L .f q ;f q . z // D
L D .f q ;f q . z // 8 z 2 ab :
X Par .
Case 3: x 2 Ext.C/. We can choose y 2 int.C/ and two cases can occur
X Par
Hence, we have that C 6
and ab
X Par , we can continue as in Case 1.
Case 3.1:
If y 2
X Par , we choose z 1 ; z 2 2 Ext.C/ such that xz 1 ; xz 2 are
Case 3.2:
If y
faces of C,
X Par , we can continue as in Case 2.
- f z 1 and z 2 are not in
- f z 1 or z 2 are in
X Par , then using the linearity in the same way as
before we obtain that .C nf x g / \
X Par D; .
Hence, we conclude that the set of Pareto solutions consists of complete cells,
complete faces, and vertices of these cells. Since we know that the set
X Par
connected, the proof is completed.
In the following we develop an algorithm to solve the bicriteria planar minisum
location problem. The idea of this algorithm is to start in a vertex x of the cell
structure which belongs to
X 1;2 WD arg min x2 X .f 1 / f 2 .x/ (set of
optimal lexicographical locations, see Nickel 1995 ). Then, using the connectivity of
X Par , the algorithm proceeds by moving from vertex x to another Pareto-optimal
vertex y of the cell structure which is connected with the previous one by an
elementary convex set. This procedure is repeated until the end of the chain reaches
X 2;1 WD arg min x2 X .f 2 / f 1 .x/.
Let C be a cell and y, x and z three vertices of C enumerated counterclockwise
(see Fig. 9.8 ). By the linearity of the level sets in each cell we can distinguish the
following disjoint situations, if x 2
X Par ,sayx 2
X Par :
X Pa r
, i.e., C is contained in the chain.
X Par
X Par .
xy and xz are candidates for
and int.C/ 6
X Par
X Par .
xy is candidate for
and xz is not contained in
X Par
X Par .
xz is can di date fo r
and xy is not contained in
X Par .
We denote by sit .C;x/ the situations (S1-S4 or S5) in which the cell C is
classified according to the extreme point x of C. The following lemma, whose proof
is based on an exhaustive case analysis of the different relative positions of x within
C, can be found in Weissler ( 1999 ). It states when a given segment belongs to the
Pareto-set in terms of the sit . ; / function.
Neither xy nor xz are contained in
Lemma 9.1 Let C 1 ;:::;C P x be the cells containing the intersection point x ,
considered in counterclockwise order, and y 1 ;:::;y P x the intersection points
adjacent to x , considered in counterclockwise order (see Fig. 9.9 ). If x 2
X Par
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