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Another area with great potential is stochastic location-routing. One such
problem was solved by Albareda-Sambola et al. ( 2007 ). This is a complex and
challenging topic.
Finally, this chapter could not come to an end before a brief reference to
continuous and network facility location problems under uncertainty. We did not
focus on this type of problems although some significant work has been done and
much progress achieved. The reader can refer to Snyder ( 2006 ) for a review of the
fundamental literature addressing these problems. Some recent works on network
facility location under uncertainty include those by Conde ( 2007 ), Berman and
Drezner ( 2008 ), Berman and Wang ( 2010 ), Sonmez and Lim ( 2012 ), Lim and
Sonmez ( 2013 ), López-de-los-Mozos et al. ( 2013 ), Lu ( 2013 ), and Lu and Sheu
( 2013 ). Recent references on continuous problems include Blanquero et al. ( 2011 )
and Drezner et al. ( 2012 ).
In this chapter we have covered several essential aspects related with discrete
facility location under uncertainty. Despite the extensive work reported, the existing
literature can still be considered scarce in comparison with the literature devoted
to deterministic models. However the relevance of facility location in areas where
uncertainty if often unavoidable, such as logistics, routing and transportation, has
led to an increased interest in the topic addressed in this chapter. In order to better
support many decision making processes, it is important to embed uncertainty in the
optimization models and, by doing so, to obtain solutions which can anticipate it.
The existing literature shows that despite the advances we have observed, dealing
with uncertainty in facility location problems remains a challenging and promising
research field.
Aghezzaf E (2005) Capacity planning and warehouse location in supply chains with uncertain
demands. J Oper Res Soc 56:453-462
Ahmed S, Garcia R (2004) Dynamic capacity acquisition and assignment under uncertainty. Ann
Oper Res 124:267-283
Albareda-Sambola M, Fernández E, Laporte G (2007) Heuristic and lower bound for a stochastic
location-routing problem. Eur J Oper Res 179:940-955
Albareda-Sambola M, Fernández E, Saldanha da Gama F (2011) The facility location problem
with Bernoulli demands. Omega 39:335-345
Albareda-Sambola M, Alonso-Ayuso A, Escudero LF, Fernández E, Pizarro C (2013) Fix-and-
relax coordination for a multi-period location-allocation problem under uncertainty. Comput
Oper Res 40:2878-2892
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