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median function g used for modeling the respective estimator. More applications
to classification and regression are pointed out in Bertsimas and Shioda ( 2007 ).
Ingredients for Analyzing Hyperplane Location Problems
Distances Between Points and Hyperplanes
A hyperplane is given by its normal vector a D .a 1 ;:::;a D / 2
D and a real
number b 2
D W a t x C b D 0 g :
H a;b Df x 2
D and
a hyperplane H a;b is given as d.H a;b ;v/ D min f d.x;v/ W a t x C b D 0 g .Forthe
vertical distance (see again the left part of Fig. 7.1 ) the following formula can easily
be computed:
D !
Given a distance d W
, the distance between a point v 2
Lemma 7.1 (Schöbel 1999a )
j a t v C b j
a D if a D 6D 0
0 if a D D 0 and a t v C b D 0
1 if a D D 0 and a t v C b 6D 0
d ver .H a;b ;v/ D
The second case and the third case comprise the case of a hyperplane which is
vertical itself. Its distance to a point v is defined as infinity unless the hyperplane
passes through v. If not all existing points lie in one common vertical hyperplane,
this means that a vertical hyperplane can never be an optimal solution to the
hyperplane location problem, hence without loss of generality we can assume the
hyperplane H a;b to be non-vertical if the vertical distance is used.
If d is derived from a norm or a gauge W
D !
, the following formula for
computing d.H a;b ;v/has been derived in Plastria and Carrizosa ( 2001 ).
Lemma 7.2 (Plastria and Carrizosa 2001 )
d.H a;b ;v/ D ( a t v C b
if a t v C b 0
ı .a/
a t v b
ı .a/
if a t v C b<0;
where ı W
D !
is the dual (polar) norm common in convex analysis (e.g.,
Rockafellar 1970 ), i.e.,
ı .v/ D sup f v t x W .x/ 1 g :
Note that d.H a;b ;v/ D j a t v C b j
if is a norm.
ı .a/
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