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where ar .A/ denotes the area of the region A I assuming a uniform density of
individuals along the full region A under study seems to be rather unrealistic;
instead, one may better split the region A into smaller and more homogeneous
subregions A j (e.g. polygons), give a weight ! j to each A j ; and assume a uniform
distribution f j for each A j W
f.a/ D
! j f j .a/;
where each f j is uniform on A j ; and thus its expression is given in ( 6.13 ).
Let us particularize ( 6.14 ) for the all-or-nothing case in which the covering
function is given by ( 6.4 ), and each c i is given by ( 6.2 ), i.e., c.a; x / takes the value
1 if at least one facility i is at a distance from a below the threshold R i ; and takes
the value 0 otherwise. Then, for any x , C. x / takes the form
C. x / D Z c.a; x /f.a/ da
ar .A j /
! j
c.a; x / da
A j
ar .A j / ar .A j \[ iD1 B i .x i //;
! j
where, for each i D 1;:::;p, B i .x i / gives the set of points covered by facility i;i.e.,
the disc centered at x i and radius R i : Hence, the problem is reduced to calculating
areas of intersections of discs B i .x i / with the subregions A j : Such calculation,
although cumbersome in general, are supported in GIS, see Kim and Murray ( 2008 ),
Murray et al. ( 2009 ), Tong and Murray ( 2009 ).
Needless to say, the density f does not need to be piecewise constant, and one
can take, for instance, a mixture of bivariate gaussians, f.a/ D P jD1 ! j f j .a/;
where each f j is a bivariate gaussian density centered at some u j and with
covariance matrix S j ;
2 p j S j j e
2 .a u j / > S j .a u j / ;
f j .a/ D
or, more generally, a radial basis function (RBF) density,
f j .a/ D g j . k a u j k /
for some decreasing function g j ; so that the density is the highest at some knot point
u j and decreasing in all directions.
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