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We may similarly define the shift and subtract property. It is helpful here to
use rational representations of sequences. If a is periodic with minimal period
T then for some q and f we have a = f/q with
0 and gcd( q, f )=1.
Then a shift a τ of a also corresponds to a rational number of this form, say
a ( τ ) = f τ /q . Moreover, there is an integer c τ so that
a ( τ ) = c τ + N T−τ a.
Thus f τ = c τ q + N T−τ f . It follows that
N T−τ f
f τ
mod q.
The set of integers
mod q, N 2 f
C f =
f, Nf
mod q,
is called the f th cyclotomic coset modulo q relative to N (the terms “modulo q
and “relative to N ” may be omitted if q and/or N are understood). It follows
that the set of numerators f τ of the N -adic numbers associated with the cyclic
shifts of a is the f th cyclotomic coset modulo q relative to N .
Now suppose that ( a + a τ ) τ = a .Let g/r be the rational representation of
the N -adic number associated with a + a τ .Then
= d + N τ f
for some integer d . In particular, we can take r = q .Then g = qd + N τ f .Thus
N τ f mod q ,sothat
g is in the cyclotomic coset of f .
Theorem 7. The periodic N -ary sequence a with associated N -adic number
f/q with gcd( q, f )=1 has the arithmetic shift and add property if and only if
G = C f ∪{
is an additive subgroup of
/ ( q ) .
Proof (Sketch). The proof amounts to showing that addition in G corresponds
mod q to addition of the associated numerators of fractions, and that the integer
multiple of q difference does not affect the periodic part.
Corollary 1. A sequence has the arithmetic shift and add property if and only
if it has the arithmetic shift and subtract property.
How can it be that C f ∪{
is a subgroup of
/ ( q )? It implies, in particular,
that C f ∪{
is closed under multiplication by integers modulo q .Ifwetake
q and f so that gcd( f, q ) = 1, then for any integer g , C f ∪{
is closed under
multiplication by gf 1 modulo q ,sothat g
C f ∪{
.Thatis, C f ∪{
/ ( q ),
and so C f =
. In particular, every nonzero element of Z / ( q )isof
the form N i f , hence is a unit. Thus q is prime. Moreover, 1
/ ( q )
C f ,sothat
/ ( q )) = C 1 =
N i
mod q, i =0 , 1 ,
.Thatis, N is a primitive
element modulo q .
Theorem 8. Anon-zero N -ary sequence has the arithmetic shift and add prop-
erty if and only if it is an -sequence.
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