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4. Gutierrez, J., Shparlinski, I.E.: Winterhof, Arne On the linear and nonlinear com-
plexity profile of nonlinear pseudorandom number-generators. IEEE Trans. Inform.
Theory 49(1), 60-64 (2003)
5. Jungnickel, D.: Finite fields. Structure and arithmetics. Bibliographisches Institut,
Mannheim (1993)
6. Lidl, R., Niederreiter, H.: Finite fields. Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Ap-
plications, vol. 20. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1997)
7. Niederreiter, H., Shparlinski, I.E.: On the distribution and lattice structure of
nonlinear congruential pseudorandom numbers. Finite Fields Appl. 5(3), 246-253
8. Niederreiter, H., Shparlinski, I.E.: On the distribution of pseudorandom numbers
and vectors generated by inversive methods. Appl. Algebra Engrg. Comm. Com-
put. 10(3), 189-202 (2000)
9. Niederreiter, H., Shparlinski, I.E.: On the average distribution of inversive pseudo-
random numbers. Finite Fields Appl. 8(4), 491-503 (2002)
10. Niederreiter, H., Shparlinski, I.E.: On the distribution of power residues and primi-
tive elements in some nonlinear recurring sequences. Bull. London Math. Soc. 35(4),
522-528 (2003)
11. Niederreiter, H., Winterhof, A.: Multiplicative character sums for nonlinear recur-
ring sequences. Acta Arith. 111(3), 299-305 (2004)
12. Shoup, V.: Searching for primitive roots in finite fields. Math. Comp. 58, 369-380
13. Shparlinski, I.E.: Finite fields: theory and computation. The meeting point of num-
ber theory, computer science, coding theory and cryptography. Mathematics and
its Applications, vol. 477. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (1999)
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