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performed “independently” with regard to all the possible differences that have
already appeared in MDT. Even if the constraints are not independent, we can
over-estimate the situation and we may assume they are so. Specifically, we are
trying to estimate the number of m
t modular sonar sequences that can be
constructed from a given m
( t
1) modular sonar sequence by adjoining one
last symbol. It would be equal to the size of the set S ( m, t ) of GOOD symbols
for f ( t ). Thus, the goal is to estimate or to give some bound on
S ( m, t )
we are given an m
1) modular sonar sequence.
We will make some reasonable assumptions under which we could recursively
estimate the number N ( m, t )of m
( t
t modular sonar sequences as the number
N ( m, t
Obviously, there are N ( m, 1) = m sequences of size m
1) of m
( t
1) sequences times
S ( m, t )
1. For 2
m +1,
we need to estimate the fraction p ( m, t )=
S ( m, t )
/m . We claim that
p ( m, t )
q ( m, t, h ) ,
for 2
m +1 ,
h =1
m ( t
2 h )
q ( m, t, h )
h +1) 2 ,
for 1
( m
From the value given in (4), we may obtain the following:
N ( m, 1) = m,
N ( m, n )
N ( m, n
1) mp ( m, n )
= m n
p ( m, t ) ,
m +1 .
t =1
The key to the derivation of (6) is to identify the quantities p ( m, t )and q ( m, t, h )
as certain probabilities of related models which simulate the back-track algo-
rithm of the search. The probability model in reality must consist of a set of
events, each of whose probabilities are heavily inter-dependent with one an-
other. To make things simple, we use three assumptions discussed below so that
the dependence disappears, and the result becomes a simple multiplication of
individual probabilities. In doing so, we will adjust a bit further so that the ap-
proximation becomes reasonably meaningful. The value p ( m, t ) will be identified
with the probability that an arbitrarily selected symbol at position t satisfies
DMDP with respect to all the previous entries of the MDT constructed so far.
The first assumption is given as follows:
Assumption 1. For any m and t ,thevalue p ( m, t ) remains the same no matter
which m
( t
1) modular sonar sequence might be given.
Taking Assumption 1 into account, we will have a sequence of length t with
probability p ( m, t ) given ANY sequence of length t
1. The second assumption
enablesustofactor p ( m, t ) as a product of some individual probabilities:
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