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l bits
000 ... 0)
v−l bits
Z (1) =( z (1 1 ,z (1 2 ,...,z (1)
IV (1) =(
Z (2) =( z (2 1 ,z (2 2 ,...,z (2)
IV (2) =(
000 ... 1)
Z (2 l ) =( z (2 l )
,z (2 l )
,...,z (2 l )
IV (2 l ) =(
111 ... 1)
Fig. 3. The table generated in the coverage test
we calculate the number of distinct Z ( i ) 's and denote it as C 1 which is expected
to be around 0 . 63
2 l . We repeat the experiment for a number of times with
different assignments of the inactive IV bits and obtain a coverage variable for
each trial, then evaluate the randomness of the cipher based on the distribution
of C i 's. The pseudocode of the coverage test is given in Algorithm 4.1.
Using the recursive formula (2), the probability distributions of C i for 12 and
14 bits are calculated and categorized into 5 groups with approximately equal
probability. The limit of the groups and corresponding probabilities are given in
Table 1.
Algorithm 4.1: Coverage Test ( R, l )
Randomly select l positions p 1 ,p 2 ,...,p l from v bits of IV;
for i ← 0 to R
Randomly select IV
=( iv 1 ,iv 2 ,...,iv v );
for j ← 0 to 2 l
j 1 ,j 2 ,...,j l ) binary representation of
( iv p 1 ,iv p 2 ,...,iv p l )= J ;
Z ( j ) =First l keystream bits using K and IV ;
Coverage i = Number of distinct Z (0) ,...,Z (2 l 1) ;
Evaluate ( Coverage 1 ,...,Coverage R )using χ 2 test;
return ( p − value )
If the coverage test returns low p -value ( < 0 . 01), it means that the coverage
of the corresponding mapping is statistically different than the expected values.
Obtaining a low coverage value means that the first keystream bits that are
generated using different IVs are similar, it is obviously a threat for frequently
resynchronized ciphers. This is also an indication of low diffusion properties.
Obtaining a high coverage value means that the mapping is close to a permu-
tation. This may be interpreted as follows; whenever a subpart of the secret
bits is recovered and the rest of the bits form a permutation, to identify un-
known state bits, the required number of keystream bits is equal to the number of
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