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defined by the functions of Theorems 1 and 2 cannot be isotopic to Albert's
commutative twisted fields. Besides, it is proven in [9] that, for any planar DO
function F , isotopism between the commutative semifield defined by F and a
commutative twisted field implies strong isotopism. Thus, by Corollary 4, when
2 k/ gcd(2 k, s ) is even, the PN functions (i )and(ii ) define commutative semi-
fields nonisotopic to Albert's commutative twisted fields. Proposition 4 shows
that the condition on 2 k/ gcd(2 k, s ) is not necessary for these commutative semi-
fields to be nonisotopic. Indeed, cases (1) and (3) in Proposition 4 are defined
also for 2 k/ gcd(2 k, s ) odd, and it is proven in [2] that the Albert's commutative
twisted fields of order p n and parameter t (where n/ gcd( n, t ) is odd) have the
middle and left nuclei of order p gcd( n,t ) .
be a basis of F p 2 k over F p k . The planar functions over F p 2 k derived
from the Dickson semifields are
x 2 + j σ x q
β 2 x q
β q
β q
where j is a nonsquare in F p k ,and1
Aut( F p k ). Different choices of
β and σ may give CCZ-inequivalent planar functions. However, as proven in
[13], all Dickson commutative semifields of order p 2 k have the middle nuclei of
order p k . Since the orders of the respective nuclei of semifields are invariant
under isotopism then the commutative semifields defined by functions (1)-(3) of
Proposition 4 are nonisotopic to all Dickson semifields.
= σ
Corollary 5. Functions (1) - (3) of Proposition 4 define commutative semifields
which are nonisotopic to all Dickson semifields.
Corollary 6. The functions (i ) with p =5 and n =6 are CCZ-inequivalent to
any known PN functions and define commutative semifields nonisotopic to the
known ones.
Note that Proposition 4 also implies that in general the family of Cohen-Ganley
semifields is distinct from the families of semifields defined by (i )and(ii )with
p = 3. Indeed, the Cohen-Ganley semifields of order 3 6 and 3 8 have the middle
nuclei of order 3 3 and 3 4 , respectively. Therefore, they are nonisotopic to the
commutative semifields defined by functions (1)-(2) of Proposition 4.
1. Albert, A.A.: On nonassociative division algebras. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 72,
296-309 (1952)
2. Albert, A.A.: Generalized twisted fields. Pacific J. Math. 11, 1-8 (1961)
3. Biham, E., Shamir, A.: Differential Cryptanalysis of DES-like Cryptosystems. Jour-
nal of Cryptology 4(1), 3-72 (1991)
4. Bracken, C., Byrne, E., Markin, N., McGuire, G.: New families of quadratic almost
perfect nonlinear trinomials and multinomials. Finite Fields and Applications (to
appear, 2008)
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