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F = A 1
A 2 , where the mappings A 1 ,A 2 are ane (resp. linear) permuta-
tions. Functions F and F are called extended ane equivalent (EA-equivalent)
if F = A 1
A 2 + A , where the mappings A, A 1 ,A 2 are ane, and where
A 1 ,A 2 are permutations.
Two mappings F and F from F p n to itself are called Carlet-Charpin-Zinoviev
equivalent (CCZ-equivalent) if for some ane permutation
of F p n the im-
age of the graph of F is the graph of F ,thatis,
( G F )= G F
where G F =
( x, F ( x ))
. Differential uniformity
is invariant under CCZ-equivalence. EA-equivalence is a particular case of CCZ-
equivalence and any permutation is CCZ-equivalent to its inverse. In [5], it is
proven that CCZ-equivalence is even more general. In the present paper we prove
that for PN functions CCZ-equivalence coincides with EA-equivalence.
Almost all known planar functions are DO polynomials. Recall that a function
F is called Dembowski-Ostrom polynomial (DO polynomial) if
( x, F ( x ))
F p n
and G F
F p n
a kj x p k + p j .
F ( x )=
0 ≤k,j<n
When p is odd the notion of planar DO polynomial is closely connected to the
notion of commutative semifield . A ring with left and right distributivity and
with no zero divisors is called a presemifield . A presemifield with a multiplicative
identity is called a semifield . Any finite presemifield can be represented by S =
( F p n , + , ), where ( F p n , +) is the additive group of F p n and xy = φ ( x, y )with
φ a function from F p n onto F p n ,see[9].
Let S 1 =( F p n , + ,
)and S 2 =( F p n , + , ) be two presemifields. They are
called isotopic if there exist three linear permutations L, M, N over F p n such
L ( x
y )= M ( x ) N ( y ) ,
for any x, y
F p n . The triple ( M, N, L ) is called the isotopism between S 1 and
S 2 .If M = N then S 1 and S 2 are called strongly isotopic .
Let S be a finite semifield. The subsets
N l ( S )= {α ∈ S :( αx ) y = α ( xy ) for all x, y ∈ S },
N m ( S )= {α ∈ S :( ) y = x ( αy ) for all x, y ∈ S },
N r ( S )= {α ∈ S :( xy ) α = x ( ) for all x, y ∈ S },
are called the left, middle and right nucleus of S , respectively, and the set
N ( S )= N l ( S )
N r ( S ) is called the nucleus . These sets are finite
fields and, if S is commutative then N l ( S )= N r ( S ). The nuclei measure how
far S is from being associative. The orders of the respective nuclei are invariant
under isotopism [9].
Let S =( F p n , + , ) be a commutative presemifield which does not contain
an identity. To create a semifield from S choose any a
N m ( S )
F p n and define a new
( xa )
( ay )= xy
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