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δ ( F ) needs to be as low as possible to resist differential attacks on block ci-
phers [7]. Since D a F ( x )= D a F ( x + a )for a
even. The S-boxes for which the equality holds are the best choices against the
differential attack.
Definition 2. An S-box F : V m
V m ,wehave δ ( F )
V m is called Almost Perfect Nonlinear (in
short, APN) if δ ( F )=2 .
Lemma 1. F : V m
V m is APN iff there do not exist different x, y, z
V m
such that F ( x )+ F ( y )+ F ( z )+ F ( x + y + z )=0 .
Now we define a class of functions as following.
Definition 3. Consider m is even. An S-box F : V m
V m is defined as 3-to-1
S-box if F 1 (0) =
F 1 ( a )
V m = V m \{
Note that, the 3-to-1 S-box is defined for even variable S-boxes because 2 m
=3 or, 0 for a
is not divisible by 3 when m is odd.
The APN property is preserved by Extended Ane (EA) transformation [8]
and CCZ transformation [4]. Two S-boxes F and F are EA-equivalent if there
exist two ane permutations A 1 ,A 2 and an ane function A such that F =
A 1
A 2 + A . CCZ-equivalence corresponds to the ane equivalence of the
graphs of two S-boxes [4]. EA-equivalence is a particular case of CCZ-equivalence.
In [3] one can find a list of classes of APN functions which are EA-inequivalent
and CCZ-inequivalent to power functions. In this paper we will show that an
important class of even variable S-boxes are 3-to-1 S-boxes.
We denote e
d for two non-negative integers e and d if e
d = e where
the bitwise logical AN D operation i.e., e i
i<n where e i and d i 's are
i th bit of the n -bit binary representation of e and d respectively. From Lucas'
d i , 0
theorem [6, page 79], we have e =1mod2iff e
d for two non-negative
integers d and e .
3 S3-to-1 APN S-Box
In this section, we present a special class of 3-to-1 APN S-box and show that
some of the known constructions of S-boxes on even variables are of this type.
Note that, in this section we always consider m as even positive integer and
k = 2 m 3 .
Construction 1 (S3-to-1 function). Let V m be partitioned into disjoint parts,
P 0 =
,P 1 ,P 2 ,...,P k , such that each set P i , 1
k contains 3 different
elements a, b, c where a + b = c (i.e., P i
P 0 , 1
k are 2 -dimensional flats).
Further, let U
V m be an ordered set and
= k +1 . Then the S-box F : V m
V m
is constructed as F ( x )= u i where x
P i and u i is the i th element in U .
We name this special class of 3-to-1 functions as S3-to-1 functions.
Notation 1. Referring to the partitions P i in Construction 1, we denote (1)
F ( P i )= y where F ( x )= y for x
P i }
and (2) for x
V m , P ( x )= P i where
P i .
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