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2. Otherwise, the autocorrelation distribution obeys the Standard Normalized
Correlation Distribution from Definition 3, except that the value S ( γ i ) and
its complex conjugate occur with frequency one less than that specified in
Definition 3.
Proof. For the binary m
sequence corresponding to a coset leader chosen from
the maximal ideal 2 R the autocorrelation takes on the value
1for τ
=0 ,
and 2 n
1 otherwise. For the rest of the proof, we restrict ourselves to the
sequences which are not all zero divisors. Let n =2 t + 1 and consider correlation
between S a and τ th shift of itself. Because of the linearity, this value is correlation
sum of some S b ,where b ∈ G A .These b 's are exactly those in Cayley table of
N ( a, 3 a ; b ). From Lemma 1, N ( a, 3 a ; b ) takes all values in G A except a and 3 a .
The correlation sum of S a and S 3 a are conjugate of each other. This proves the
The following follows immediately.
Theorem 6. For Family A the first moment of the autocorrelation function
1 C i,i ( τ ) ,
and therefore it simply takes on values proportional to the values in Lemma 3
with the same multiplicities.
P i,i ( τ, k, L )
k =
2 n
Proof. The proof is similar to that of Theorem 4.
Lemma 7. Let n be an odd number, then for Family C the full period autocor-
relation function obeys:
1. If we consider the zero divisor sequence (binary m
sequence), then
θ ( τ )= 2(2 n
1) , 2 times,
2 n +1
2 ,
4 times.
2. Otherwise, if is a
2(2 n
1) ,
1 time,
2 ,
1 time,
θ ( τ )=
2(2 t
2 t +1 (2 t +1)
1) ,
4 times,
2(2 t +1) , 2 t +1 (2 t
1) times,
3. Otherwise, if is a
2(2 n
1) ,
1 time,
2 ,
1 time,
θ ( τ )=
2(2 t
2 t +1 (2 t +1) times,
1) ,
2(2 t +1) , 2 t +1 (2 t
4 times,
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