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sub-sequence is associated to an automaton. Then, the generation of the d sub-
sequences of S uses d automata which operate in parallel. Parallelism has two
benefits, it can increase the throughput or reduce the power consumption of the
automaton generating a sequence.
Throughput — The throughput T of a PRSG is defined by: T = n × f ,with
n is the number of bits produced every cycle and f is the clock frequency of
the PRSG. Usually, we have n = 1, which is often the case with LFSRs. The
decimation achieves a very interesting tradeoff for the throughput:
T d = d
with 0
1 the degradation factor of the original automaton frequency. The
decimation provides an improvement of the throughput if and only if γd > 1.
It is then highly critical to find good automata for the generation of the sub-
sequences. In an ideal case, we would have γ =1andthena d -decimation would
imply a multiplication of the throughput by d .
Power consumption — The power consumption of a CMOS device can be es-
timated by the following equation: P = C
V dd ×
f ,with C the capacity of
the device and V dd the supply voltage. The sequence decimation can be used
to reduce the frequency of the device by interleaving the sub-sequences. The
sub-sequences generator will be clocked at frequency γf d and the outputs will
be combined with a d -input multiplexer clocked at frequency γf . The original
power consumption can then be reduced by the factor
d ,where γ must be close
to 1 to guarantee that the final representation of S is generated at frequency f .
The study of the γ parameter is out of the scope of this paper since it is
highly related to the physical characteristics of the technology used for the im-
plementation. In the following, we consider m -sequences and -sequences which
are produced respectively by LFSRs and FCSRs.
Throughout the paper, we detail different representations of several automata.
We denote by x i a memory cell and by ( x i ) t the content of the cell x i at time t .
The internal state of an automaton at time t is denoted by X t .
2.1 LFSRs
An LFSR is an automaton which generates linear recursive sequences. A de-
tailed description of this topic can be found in the monographs of Golomb and
McEliece [15,16]. Let s ( x )= i =0 s i x i define the power series of the sequence
S =( s 0 ,s 1 ,s 2 ,... ) produced by an LFSR. Then, there exists two polynomials,
such that
s ( x )= p ( x )
q ( x )
where q ( x )isthe connection polynomial defined by the feedback positions of
the automaton. Let m be the degree of q ( x ), then the reciprocal polynomial
Q ( x )= x m q (1 /x )isnamedthe characteristic polynomial . An output sequence
of an LFSR is called an m-sequence if it has the maximal period of 2 m
This is the case if and only if q ( x ) is a primitive polynomial. There exists two
different representations of an LFSR, the so-called Galois and Fibonacci setup,
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