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There is a relation between the Reed-Muller code and the row vectors of P k ,
which will be introduced in the next section.
4 Characterizations of Boolean Functions with Low
Degree Multipliers
Assume that a boolean function f employed in a cipher system is not of low
Definition 1. Given f a boolean function in n variables, i.e., f
∈F n ,apairof
positive integers d<deg ( f ) and e , if there exists some function g with deg ( g )
such that the product h = fg
=0 or h =( f +1) g
=0 with deg ( h )
e ,then g
is said to be a low degree multiplier of f .
In this section, we will show how to characterize those multipliers. We first
present a sucient condition for the existence of low degree multipliers. Following
this approach, we establish a sucient and necessary condition for the existence
of low degree multipliers, which also yields an algorithm to construct them. It
follows that Assertion A in Section 1 is not true from the results we derived in
this section. Let
S d = { row vectors of P k | k ∈ Γ ( n ) ,w ( k ) ≤ d}
where P k is defined by (19). Then S d can be considered as either the set consisting
of all the functions in the polynomial basis with w ( k )
r or the set consisting
of all boolean monomial terms of degrees less than or equal to d , i.e., we can
rewrite S d as follows.
S d =
Π k
w ( k ) ≤d
where Π k is defined in (17). Then we have
S d |
= T d , defined by (3) in Section 1.
F n of degree d is a linear combination of functions
Notice that any function in
in S d over
F 2 . From Section 3.2, the sequence version of S d , still denoted by S d ,
is given by
L i a ( k )
S d =
i<n k ,w ( k )
where n k is the size of the coset C k or the degree of the minimal polynomial of
a ( k ) .Foragiven f
∈F n ,wedenote
fS d =
f ( x )
g ( x )
S d }
From (21), the sequence version of (22) is given by
u S d = { u · b | b ∈ S d }
where u is the sequence associated with f ( x ), defined by (16) in Section 2, and
the multiplication of two sequences is the term-by-term multiplication. (Note.
We keep the notation S d for both functions and sequences, and the exact meaning
depends on the context.)
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