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,say N , is a factor of 2 n
Then the period of
a t }
1. The discrete Fourier
transform of a f is defined by
2 n
a t α −tk , 0
k< 2 n
A k =
t =0
and the inverse DFT is
2 n
Tr n k
A k α kt =
( A k α kt ) , 0
t< 2 n
a t =
2 .
k =0
Γ ( n )
By selecting α as a root of the primitive polynomial which defines
F 2 n for com-
puting the DFT of f in (8), then we have
k< 2 n
A k = F k , 0
2 .
A k }
for both f and a f , since they are
k< 2 n
equal (with respect to α )for1
1 except for A 0 = F 0 + F 2 n 1 .
However, this difference does not effect any discussions proceeded in this paper.
Note that the spectral sequence
2 n
A k }
has period N
1. Therefore, any
function from
F 2 , or equivalently a boolean function in n variables, cor-
responds a binary sequence with period N
F 2 n to
2 n
1. Thus a boolean function and
its associate sequence, given by (12), are related by their identical DFT spectra
which results in the same polynomial representation in (10). This leads to an-
other linearized method for finding multipliers g of f such that fg
will be shown in the next section.
D. DFT Convolution and Product Sequences
- Let a and b be two sequences of period N with their respective DFTs A =
- For the term-by-term product c = a
A k }
and B =
B k }
b where c t = a t b t ,0
t<N ,letthe
DFT of
c t }
be C =
C k }
.Then C is a convolution of A and B , denoted as
C = A
B where
C k =
A i B j , 0
i + j = k (mod N )
From the above treatment, we will not distinguish the set
F n , the set consist-
ing of all functions from
B n , the set of all boolean functions
in n variables. For the theory of sequences and their trace representations, the
reader is referred to [14].
F 2 n to
F 2 and the set
3 Polynomial Bases of
F n in Terms of LFSR Sequences
In this section, we introduce polynomial bases of
F n after we give a review for
its boolean bases, and show a method for computing those bases in terms of
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