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the term-by-term addition and multiplication, respectively. The elements 0 or
1 is the all zero or one vector in
2 depending on the context. In particular,
2 ,1+ T is the complement of T , denoted as T .
In this paper, the notation w ( s ) represents the Hamming weight of s , i.e.,
the number of nonzeros in s ,where s could be a positive integer represented
in a binary form, or a k -dimensional binary vector, or a boolean function in
n variables represented as a binary vector ( f ( x 0 ) ,f ( x 1 ) ,...,f ( x 2 n 1 )) where
x i ,i =0 ,..., 2 n
if s =1
2 .
1 constitutes all elements in F
2 is isomorphic to the finite field F 2 n , regarded as a linear space
over F 2 of dimension n . Any boolean function can be represented by a polynomial
function from
Note that F
F 2 n to
F 2 . For a polynomial function from
F 2 n to
F 2 ,say f ( x )=
2 n 1
i =0 d i x i ,d i F 2 n ,the algebraic degree of f is given by max i : d i =0 w ( i ). In
this paper, the degree of a function f from
F 2 always means the degree
of its boolean form or equivalently, the algebraic degree of its polynomial form,
denoted by deg ( f ).
F 2 n to
Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) Sequences
Let v ( x )= x n + c n− 1 x n− 1 +
+ c 1 x + 1 be a polynomial over
F 2 . A sequence
a =
a t }
is an LFSR sequence of degree n if it satisfies the following recursive
n− 1
a n + t =
c i a t + i ,t =0 , 1 ,...,
i =0
( a 0 ,...,a n− 1 )isan initial state of the LFSR, v ( x ) is called a characteristic
polynomial of a ,the reciprocal of t ( x )isreferredtoasa feedback polynomial
of a , and we also say that a is generated by v ( x ). The minimal polynomial of
a is the characteristic polynomial with the smallest degree. The sequence a is
an m -sequence if v ( x )isprimitiveover
F 2 (Golomb, 1954 [13]). For example,
a = 1001011 is an m -sequence of period 7 where t ( x )= x 3 + x +1.
Let L denote the (left) shift operator of a sequence a , i.e., L a = a 1 ,a 2 ,... ,
L i a = a i ,a i +1 ,... .A k -decimation of a is the sequence a ( k ) =
a kt } t≥ 0 ,where
the indices are reduced modulo N where N is the (least) period of a .
DFT and Trace Representations of Boolean Functions,
Polynomial Functions, and Sequences
A. DFT of Boolean Functions. The content of this subsection can be found in
Chapter 6 in [14]. Using the Lagrange interpolation, we may define the (discrete)
Fourier transform of boolean functions through their polynomial forms. Let f be
a boolean function in n variables in a polynomial form. The (discrete) Fourier
Transform (DFT) of f is defined as
F k =
x∈ F 2 n
[ f ( x )+ f (0)] x −k ,k =0 , 1 ,..., 2 n
1 .
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