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The following facts can be found in [9]. The Redei function R e ( X )isapermu-
tation of IF p if and only if gcd( e, p + 1) = 1, the set of these permutations is a
group with respect to the composition which is isomorphic to the group of units
of ZZ p +1 . In particular for indices m, n with gcd( m, p +1)=gcd( n, p +1)= 1 we
R m ( R n ( u )) = R mn ( u )= R n ( R m ( u ))
for all u
IF p .
For further background on Redei functions we refer to [5,9,10].
We consider generators ( u n ) defined by
u n +1 = R e ( u n ) ,
0 ,
gcd( e, p +1)=1 ,
with a Redei permutation R e ( X ) and some initial element u 0
IF p .These-
quences ( u n ) are purely periodic and the period length T divides ϕ ( p +1),
where ϕ denotes Euler's totient function. For details we refer to [9, Lemma 3.5].
Although we follow the same general method of bounding character sums as
in [2], the details of the crucial step that a certain auxiliary polynomial, see (6)
below, is not, up to a multiplicative constant, an s th power of a polynomial,
where s denotes the order of χ ,ismoreintricate.
2 Preliminaries
For an integer t> 1wedenoteby ZZ t the residue ring modulo t and always
assume that it is represented by the set
0 , 1 ,...,t
U t the set of invertible elements of ZZ t .
We recall Lemma 2 from [1].
Lemma 1. For any set
K⊆U t of cardinality #
= K , any fixed 1
δ> 0
t δ
and any integer h
there exists an integer r
∈U t such that the congruence
(mod t ) ,
, 0
1 ,
L r ( h )
solutions ( k, y ) .
We also need the Weil bound for character sums which we present in the following
form, see e.g. [6, Theorem 5.41].
Lemma 2. Let χ be a multiplicative character of IF p of order s> 1 and let
F ( X )
IF p [ X ] be a polynomial of positive degree that is not, up to a multiplica-
tive constant, an s th power of a polynomial. Let d be the number of distinct roots
of F ( X ) in its splitting field over IF p . Then we have
1) p 1 / 2 .
χ ( F ( x ))
( d
x∈ IF p
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