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Slight variations of this discrepancy have interesting geometric interpretations.
For example, if we replace B 2 α (( u j
v j ) mod 1) in (7) by an appropriate (simple)
polynomial in u j and v j ,weobtainaweighted
L 2 -unanchored discrepancy whose
interpretation is the following [11,12]. For each subset
of coordinates and any
u , v
[0 , 1] | u | ,let D ( P n (
) , u , v ) be the absolute difference between the volume
| u |
of the
-dimensional box with opposite corners at u and v ,andthefractionof
the points of P n that fall in that box. The square discrepancy is then defined as
j∈ u
[ D 2 ( P n )] 2 =
D 2 ( P n (
γ j
) , u , v ) d u d v .
[0 , 1] | u |
u ⊆S
Other similarly defined RKHSs contain non-periodic functions f . For exam-
ple, by taking again the appropriate (simple) function in place of B 2 α (( u j
v j ) mod 1) in (7), we obtain a weighted
L 2 -star discrepancy , whose square can
be written as
j∈ u
[ D 2 ( P n )] 2 =
D 2 ( P n (
γ j
) , 0 , v ) d v
[0 , 1] | u |
u ⊆S
and the square variation is
j∈ u
f u ( u u )
V 2 ( f )=
| u |
u u
γ 1
d u u
[0 , 1] | u |
u ⊆S
(see [11,12]). All these discrepancies can be computed in O ( n 2 s ) time for general
point sets.
It is known that there exists point sets P n for which the discrepancy based
on (7) converges as as O ( n −α + δ ) for any δ> 0, and point sets for which the
discrepancy (10) converges as O ( n 1+ δ ).
3 RNGs Based on Linear Recurrences Modulo a Large
Integer m
An important (and widely used) class of RNGs is based on the general linear
x i =( a 1 x i− 1 +
+ a k x i−k ) mod m,
where k and m are positive integers, a 1 ,...,a k ∈{
0. The state at step i is s i = x i =( x i−k +1 ,...,x i ). Suppose the output is
u i = x i /m (in practice it is slightly modified to make sure that 0 <u i < 1).
This RNG is called a multiple recursive generator .For k =1,itisknownasa
linear congruential generator (LCG). For prime m and well-chosen coecients,
the period length can reach m k
0 , 1 ,...,m
,and a k
1 [1], which can be made arbitrarily large by
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