Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Enterprises adopt the EKCP to convert external environmental knowledge into
internal enterprise values with regards to environmental responsibility and sustain-
able development. In order to transform environmental issues into enterprise values
and culture [33], companies should develop a training strategy designed to motivate
and improve employees' environmental knowledge and awareness [34, 35]. Under
increasing pressure from the trend of green innovation, enterprises can only remain
competitive through the use of EKM to enhance their profi t and ensure their interna-
tional competitiveness in the fi eld of sustainable development.
The Components of the EKCP
The EKCP is composed of continuous environmental knowledge activities distributed
among EKC, EKA, EKS, EKU, and EKI. The KC is further an understanding of the
need to develop newer technologies and systems in order to enhance creativity and
competitiveness [20]. Nonaka et al. [36] indicated that there are four modes of knowl-
edge conversion:
• Socialization (from tacit knowledgetotacit knowledge).
• Externalization (from tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge).
• Combination (from explicit knowledge to explicit knowledge).
• Internalization (from explicit knowledge to tacit knowledge).
The same concept is applied for KC with the transition mechanism, the tacit
knowledge and explicit knowledge of EKC expanding in both quality and quantity
throughout the above conversion processes.
The two essential components of EKA are experience and experimentation. From
a resource based perspective, technological knowledge, skills and employees' expe-
rience are valuable assets that are accumulated over time in an enterprise and are
even embedded in the organizational culture. Dierickx and Cool [37] indicated that
an organization's strategic asset stocks accumulates integrated resources over a period
of time; however, a stock of knowledge usually resides in a particular person in the
organization [38] and hence, EKA requires continuing efforts to acquire employees'
experiences and the considerable allocation of organizational resources. Enterprises
engage in environmental creation and R & D activities by EKA and increase their
market competitiveness and advantage.
The EKS is a kind of knowledge transaction between individuals and groups.
Andersen and APQC, [39] proposed the following Equation:
KM: K = (I+P) s .
The EKI is the process of learning by converting explicit knowledge into tacit
knowledge [36]. Employees can access the environmental information and knowledge
needed to complete tasks through a series of environmental training sessions and ex-
The EKCP is a never ending process that continuously improves ensuring the ob-
taining of competitive advantage by creating, accumulating, sharing, utilizing and in-
ternalizing EM. Moreover, the production of cleaner products may enable companies
to be continuously improved by identifying ways to maximize profi ts through creating
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