Environmental Engineering Reference
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Figure 2. Equilibrium co-existence of a sexually reproducing parent population n P invaded by
an asexual mutant, n M . With the mutant having identical vital rates except for twice the intrinsic
propagation rate per capita: b M = 2
α PM < k P / k M . (A) Phase plane. (B)
Equilibration of abundances over time given by Equation 1, with a 50% drop in the parent's intrinsic
death rate imposed at t = 3 to illustrate approximate constancy of N = n M + n P .
b P , the parent species persists if
The above examples of dominant versus fugitive and sexual versus asexual were
illustrated with models that gave identical realized rates of both birth and death at co-
existence equilibrium. Fitness invariance and zero-sum dynamics, however, require
only that species have identical net rates of realized birth minus death. The simulations
in the next section show how neutral-like dynamics are realized for communities of
coexisting species with trade-offs in realized as well as intrinsic vital rates.
Comparison of Simulated Neutral and Multi-niche Communities with Drift
Figure 3 illustrates the SADs and species-area relationships of randomly assembled
S-species systems under drift of limited immigration and new-species invasions (pro-
tocols described in Simulation Methods). From top to bottom, its graphs show con-
gruent patterns between an intrinsically neutral community with identical character
traits for all species (equivalent to identically superimposed isoclines in Figures 1 and
2 models), and communities that trade growth capacity against competitive domi-
nance increasingly starkly. The non-neutral communities sustain more total individu-
als and show greater spread in their responses, reflecting their variable life-history
coefficients. Their communities nevertheless follow qualitatively the same patterns
as those of neutral communities. For intrinsically neutral and niche-based communi-
ties alike, Figure 3 shows SADs negatively skewed from log-normal (all P < 0.05,
every g 1 < 0), and an accelerating decline in rank abundances of rare species (cf.
linear for Fisher log-series) that is significantly less precipitous than predicted by
broken-stick models of randomly allocated abundances among fixed S and N ; Figure
4 shows constant densities of total individuals regardless of area (unambiguously
linear), and Arrhenius relationships of species richness to area (unambiguously linear
on loglog scales).
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