Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 1.1: The cycle of materials.
reduction in the use of raw materials. This is best applied to the less common non-
renewable resources, but is also necessary for others. Another important aspect to
address is to reduce the loss of resources during production, the construction
process and throughout the life of the completed building. The re-use of materials
following demolition should also be taken into account. Recycling processes
should be developed so that materials can be taken care of at their original level of
quality, rather than downcycled.
Reduction of the use of raw materials in the production
Increased exploitation of smaller sources of raw materials
This is mainly a question of technology. Even if modern technology is primarily
geared up for large scale exploitation, there are certain areas of exploitation that
have developed small scale technology, such as in mineral extraction.
Greater attention to unused resources and waste products
Resources that have been earlier classified as 'uneconomical', or never used, can
be re-evaluated. Examples of such resources are:
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