Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
The source code of the ContactRepository interface is given as follows:
public interface ContactRepository extends BaseRepository<Contact,
Long> {
Implementing the service layer
Because the old implementation of the delete() method of the
RepositoryContactService class contained the same functionality as our new
deleteById() repository method, we have to change the delete() method of the
RepositoryContactService class to delegate the method call forward to the new
repository method. The source code of our new delete() method is given as follows:
@Transactional(rollbackFor = NotFoundException.class)
public Contact deleteById(Long id) throws NotFoundException {
return repository.deleteById(id);
What did we just do?
We implemented a generic delete method that is automatically available to all
repositories of our application. This eliminates the need to add entity specific delete
logic to the service layer and reduces code duplication. We also created a custom
repository factory that provides GenericBaseRepository as an implementation for
our repository interface. The result of our work is illustrated in the following diagram:
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