Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The output of the SHOW GRANTS command is a GRANT statement that encapsulates all
of the user's privileges. This is useful if you want to give another user the exact same
privileges. For example, the output of the preceding SHOW GRANTS command might
be as follows:
| Grants for dieter@ |
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'dieter'@'' |
Changing passwords
To change the password of a user, we use the SET PASSWORD statement. It has the
following pattern:
SET PASSWORD FOR <user> = PASSWORD('<password>');
Here is an example:
SET PASSWORD FOR 'henry'@'%' = PASSWORD('niftypassword');
Complete documentation of the SET PASSWORD statement is available at .
Removing users
To remove a user completely, we use the DROP USER statement. It has the
following pattern:
DROP USER <user>;
Here is an example:
DROP USER 'tom'@'%';
When a user is dropped, all grants are automatically removed.
Complete documentation of the DROP USER statement is available at .
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