Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
With its dazzling vistas and intimate restaurants, San
Francisco is made for lovers. This tour takes you from the
tranquil waterfront through one of the city's most enchanting hidden
neighborhoods to sultry North Beach. Best to begin at 3 or 4pm and
end with a romantic dinner. START: The Embarcadero at Pier 17. Street-
car: F to Green St.
1 ★★ The Embarcadero. Enjoy
the lovely views of the Bay Bridge,
Treasure Island, and the East Bay.
@ 15 min. The Embarcadero at
Pier 17. Streetcar: F to Green St.
2 ★★ Filbert Steps. In this cap-
tivating corner of town, the street
becomes too steep for cars. As you
head uphill, you'll pass lush, flower-
bedecked gardens decorating Car-
penter Gothic homes (characterized
by steeply sloped roofs, pointed
arches over windows, and “ginger-
bread” detailing on the façade) dat-
ing from as early as 1870. @ 30 min.
Steps start at Filbert & Sansome sts.
3 ★★ Coit Tower. Catch a glori-
ous sunset over the City by the Bay. If
you make it here before 6pm, ascend
to the top of the pillar for a dazzling
panorama. For details on Coit Tower,
see p 9, bullet 5 . @ 30 min.
y 415/362-0808. Admission to
the top $3.75. Daily 10am-6pm.
4 Washington Square. Stroll
through this welcoming park, one of
the oldest in the city, which has the
feel of an old-world town square.
Saints Peter and Paul Church, a local
landmark in front of which Joe
DiMaggio and Marilyn Monroe
famously posed after their marriage
in 1957, serves as a lovely backdrop.
@ 15 min. Filbert & Stockton sts.
5 XOX Truffles. After climb-
ing Telegraph Hill, you've earned a
stop at this luscious store. Sinful
delicacies come in flavors like
cognac, and you must try “Clarissa's
Favorite.” What is it? I'll let you be
surprised. @ 15 min. 754 Columbus
Ave. y 415/421-4814. Mon-Sat
9am-6pm. Closed Sun.
6 Patricia's Flowers. Buy
your loved one a rose at this closet-
size florist. @ 15 min. 571 Columbus
Ave. y 415/956-4947.
The view of downtown from Coit Tower
at sunset is magnificent.
[ ★★ Café Jacqueline. For an
indulgent culmination to your
evening, dine at this purveyor of
fine soufflés (1454 Grant Ave.,
between Green & Union sts.;
y 415/981-5565 $$$; p 101). A
moderately priced alternative is
] ★★ L'Osteria del Forno, a
cozy Italian favorite (519 Columbus
Ave., between Union & Green sts.;
y 415/982-1124 $$; p 108).
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