Agriculture Reference
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Asian eggplants aren't bitter and don't need peeling or pre-salting before cooking.
FRIED OR ROASTED EGGPLANT . In China, it's stir-fried with bean sprouts, peppers, and
tomatoes. In Japan, it's cooked tempura-style. In Italy, it's floured and sautéed in olive
oil. In Russia and the Middle East, it's combined with olive oil, chopped onion, and
chopped tomato, plus salt and pepper, and served as a cold relish.
THE SULTAN FAINTED .” This famous dish is made by stuffing large eggplants with
roasted eggplant combined with pine nuts, ground lamb, tomatoes, coriander, garlic,
and lemon juice.
PICKLES . Pickling styles differ in different parts of the world.
• Greek. Submerge sliced eggplants in hot vinegar that has been simmered with
lemon juice, garlic, and water, allow to cool, and refrigerate for a month or two.
• Italian. Use garlic and olive oil in the pickling fluid.
• American. Use any standard pickling recipe. Even simpler, try simmering them
for 5 minutes in the pickle liquid left over from a jar of commercial pickles. Cool
and refrigerate; eat in about a week. The smaller varieties work best for pickles.
AN INDIAN CLASSIC . Bake eggplants at 350°F until soft (about 30 to 60 minutes).
Scoop out pulp and season with garam masala, or an Indian spice mix of ginger, cloves,
turmeric, coriander, and a green chili pepper, minced. (Adjust heat by adjusting the
number of chilis.) Add 2 chopped tomatoes, a couple of thinly sliced carrots, 1 or 2
potatoes, 1 onion, and 3 cups peas. Sauté all in safflower oil for about 15 minutes. This
can be made the day before; refrigerate and reheat later. Serve as is or stuff filling back
into eggplant halves and sprinkle with breadcrumbs and minced parsley.
OTHER USES . Eggplant makes great kabobs with tomatoes, peppers, and small white
cooked onions threaded alternately along the skewer, with or without meat. Cut into
chunks and marinate in your favorite marinade recipe.
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