Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 11.5 Some of the major biological effects promoted by growth hormone.
Although many of these are direct, other effects are mediated via IGF-1 (Chapter 10)
Increased body growth (particularly bone and skeletal muscle)
Stimulation of protein synthesis in many tissues
Mobilization of depot lipids from adipose tissue (lipolytic effect)
Elevation of blood glucose levels (anti-insulin effect)
Increase of muscle and cardiac glycogen stores
Increased kidney size and enhanced renal function
Reticulocytosis (increased reticulocyte production in the bone marrow)
IGF-1, which mediates most of GH's growth-promoting activity on, for example, bone and skeletal
muscle (Chapter 10). The major effects mediated by hGH are summarized in Table 11.5.
A defi ciency in the secretion of hGH during the years of active body growth results in pituitary
dwarfi sm (a condition responsive to exogenous hGH administration). On the other hand, over-
production of hGH during active body growth results in gigantism. hGH overproduction after
primary body growth has occurred results in acromegaly, a condition characterized by enlarged
hands and feet, as well as coarse features.
11.4.3 Therapeutic uses of growth hormone
GH has a potentially wide range of therapeutic uses (Table 11.6). To date, however, its major application
has been for the treatment of short stature. hGH extracted from human pituitary glands was fi rst used to
treat pituitary dwarfi sm (i.e. caused by suboptimal pituitary GH secretion) in 1958. It has subsequently
proven effective in the treatment of short stature caused by a variety of other conditions, including:
Tu r n e r's sy nd r om e ;
idiopathic short stature;
chronic renal failure.
The use of hGH extracted from the pituitaries of deceased human donors came to an abrupt end
in 1985, when a link between treatment and Creutzfeld-Jacob disease (CJD, a rare, but fatal,
Table 11.6 Some actual or likely therapeutic uses for hGH. Refer to text for
Treatment of short stature caused by GH defi ciency
Treatment of defective growth caused by various diseases/medical conditions
Induction of lactation
Counteracting ageing
Treatment of obesity
Body building
Induction of ovulation
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