Biomedical Engineering Reference
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classifi cation of tau as an interferon also raises the intriguing possibility that other interferons
may yet prove useful in the treatment of some forms of reproductive dysfunctions in veterinary
and human medicine.
Further reading
Abbas, A. 2003. Cellular and Molecular Immunology . W.B. Saunders.
Aggarwal, B. 1998. Human Cytokines . Blackwell Science.
Estrov, Z. 1993. Interferons, Basic Principles and Clinical Applications . R.G. Landes.
Fitzgerald, K. 2001. The Cytokine Facts Book . Academic Press.
Karupiah, G. 1997. Gamma Interferon in Antiviral Disease . Landes Bioscience.
Korholz, D. 2003. Cytokines and Colony Stimulating Factors . Humana Press, NJ, USA.
Mire-Sluis, A. 1998. Cytokines . Academic Press
Mantovani, A. 2000. Pharmacology of Cytokines . Oxford University Press
Pieters, T. 2005. Interferon . Routledge, London, UK.
Reder, A. 1996. Interferon Therapy of Multiple Sclerosis . Marcel Dekker.
Stuart-Harris, R. 2005. Clinical Applications of the Interferons . Hodder Arnold, NC, USA.
Cytokines: general
Aringer, M., Frucht, D., and O'Shea, J.J. 1999. Interleukin/interferon signalling: a 1999 perspective. The Immu-
nologist 7 (5), 139-146.
Baggiolini, M., Dewald, B., and Moser, B. 1997. Human chemokines: an update. Annual Review of Immunology
15 , 675-705.
Elenkov, I.J., Iezzoni, D.G., Daly, A., Harris, A.G., and Chrousos, G.P. 2005. Cytokine dysregulation, infl amma-
tion and well-being. Neuroimmunomodulation 12 (5), 255-269.
Hideshima, T., Podar, K., Chauhan, D., and Anderson K. 2005. Cytokines and signal transduction. Best Practice
and Research Clinical Haematology 18 (4), 509-524.
Ihle, J. 1996. STATs: signal transducers and activators of transcription. Cell 84 , 331-334.
Lau, F. and Horvath, C. 2002. Mechanisms of type I interferon cell signalling and STAT-mediated transcriptional
responses. Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine 69 (3), 156-168.
Liu, L., Damen, J.E., Ware, M., Hughes, M., and Krystal, G. 1997. SHIP, a new player in cytokine-induced signal-
ling. Leukaemia 11 (2), 181-184.
McInnes, I. and Liew, F. (2005) Cytokine networks - towards new therapies for rheumatoid arthritis. Nature
Clinical Practice Rheumatology 1 (1), 31-39.
Mire-Sluis, A. 1999. Cytokines: from technology to therapeutics. Trends in Biotechnology 17 , 319-325.
O'Shea, J.J., Gadina, M., and Schreiber, R.D. 2002. Cytokine signalling in 2002: new surprises in the JAK/STAT
pathway. Cell 109 , S121-S131.
Piscitelli, S.C., Reiss, W.G., Figg, W.D., and Petros, W.P. 1997. Pharmacokinetic studies with recombinant
cytokines: scientifi c issues and practical considerations. Clinical Pharmacokinetics 32 (5), 368-381.
Proost, P., Wuyts, A., and van Damme, J. 1996. The role of chemokines in infl ammation. International Journal
of Clinical and Laboratory Research 26 (4), 211-223.
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