Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 8.11 Side-effects sometimes associated with therapeutic administration of
IFN- α s. In most cases, only minor side effects are noted. However, more serious effects,
necessitating cessation of treatment, may occur in up to 17 per cent of patients
Minor side effects
Serious potential side effects
Range of fl u-like symptoms, e.g.
Strong fatigue
Cardiovascular complications
Autoimmune reactions
Hepatic decompression
dose to a level below that which might have maximum therapeutic effect. Administration of interferons
(in addition to many other cytokines) characteristically induces fl u-like symptoms in many recipients.
Such symptoms are experienced by most patients within 8 h of IFN-
administration. However, they
are usually mild and are alleviated by concurrent administration of paracetamol. Tolerance of such
effects also normally develops within the fi rst few weeks of commencing treatment.
In some instances more severe side effects are noted (Table 8.11), whereas in a few cases very
serious side effects, such as induction of autoimmune reactions and central nervous system or
cardiovascular disturbances, render necessary immediate withdrawal of treatment.
Administration of IFN-
also characteristically causes fl u-like symptoms. More serious side
effects, however, are sometimes noted, including:
hypersensitivity reactions;
menstrual disorders;
anxiety and emotional liability;
depression, which in rare instances may prompt suicidal thoughts.
The only common side effect associated with IFN-γ is the characteristic fl u-like symptoms.
However, in rare instances and at high doses, adverse clinical reactions have been noted. These
have included heart failure, central nervous system complications (confusion disorientation, Par-
kinsonian-like symptoms), metabolic complications (e.g. hyperglycaemia), and various other
Prediction of the range or severity of side effects noted after administration of any interferon
preparation is impossible. Careful monitoring of the patients, particularly in the earliest stages of
treatment, soon reveals the onset of any side effects that might warrant suspension of treatment.
8.3.5 Additional interferons
In the last few years additional members of the interferon family has been discovered. Amino acid
sequence analysis of a protein called trophoblastin (which is found in many ruminants) revealed
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