Java Reference
In-Depth Information
MIDlet-1: Sokoban, /icons/Sokoban.png, example.sokoban.Sokoban
MIDlet-2: Tickets, /icons/Auction.png, example.lcdui.TicketAuction
MIDlet-3: Colors, /icons/ColorChooser.png, example.chooser.Color
MIDlet-4: Stock, /icons/Stock.png, example.stock.StockMIDlet
MicroEdition-Configuration : This attribute describes the J2ME configurations upon
which this MIDlet suite can run. Multiple configuration names should be separated
by spaces.
MicroEdition-Profile : This describes the set of profiles upon which this MIDlet suite
can run. For MIDP 2.0 applications, this is MIDP-20 . For applications that can also run on
the older MIDP 1.0 profile, use “MIDP-2.0 MIDP-1.0”.
In addition to the required manifest attributes, the following attributes may be defined:
MIDlet-Description : The description of the MIDlet suite goes in this attribute.
MIDlet-Icon : Icons for individual MIDlets are described in the MIDlet-n attributes. This
attribute specifies an icon to represent the entire MIDlet suite.
MIDlet-Info-URL : If additional information about the MIDlet suite is available online,
use this attribute to list the URL.
MIDlet-Data-Size : If you know how many bytes of persistent data are required by the
MIDlet suite, you can specify the number with this attribute.
Tip Don't get tripped up by the attribute names. Many of them appear to refer to a single MIDlet, like
MIDlet-Name and MIDlet-Description . In fact, these attributes describe an entire MIDlet suite. The only
attribute that applies to a specific MIDlet is the MIDlet-n attribute, which is used to list each MIDlet in
the suite.
Several additional attributes may be included. Network APIs can be protected from unau-
thorized access using a permission scheme, which will be fully discussed later in this chapter.
MIDlets can list necessary permissions and optional permissions in the MIDlet JAR manifest as
MIDlet-Permissions : Use this attribute to list permissions that are critical to the operation
of the MIDlet suite. Multiple permissions are separated by commas.
MIDlet-Permissions-Opt : This attribute lists permissions that may be used but are not
critical for this MIDlet suite.
Finally, there is also a way for MIDlet suites to signal their dependence on optional APIs:
MIDlet-Extensions : List the required Optional APIs used by this MIDlet suite in this
attribute. The exact names are determined by the individual optional API specifications.
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