Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Displaying the Video
Unlike audio, which is played back through the speakers, video will take up some space on the
user interface. MMAPI makes this quite simple. You have two choices:
Display the video on a custom Canvas .
Display the video as an Item within a Form .
In either case, you must first get hold of a VideoControl instance. You do this the same way
you'd get a VolumeControl or ToneControl from an audio player:
(VideoControl) vidc = (VideoControl) player.getControl("VideoControl");
Once you have this VideoControl instance, you can create either your custom Canvas class
or a video Item for form-based display.
Video on Custom Canvas
If you want to display the video on a custom Canvas , you need to derive a class from Canvas . Say
that your class is called VideoCanvas ; the following code in the constructor will position and
display the video:
public VideoCanvas(VideoControl videoControl) {
VideoControl.USE_DIRECT_VIDEO, this);
try {
videoControl.setDisplayLocation(5, 5);
videoControl.setDisplaySize(getWidth()- 10, getHeight ()- 10);
catch (MediaException ex) {
Note that you need to pass in the VideoControl instance during construction.
The video display is created using the initDisplayMode() method, and the mode
VideoControl.USE_DIRECT_VIDEO indicates to the VideoControl that you are working
within a Canvas subclass. In this case, the video display takes up the entire VideoCanvas ,
with a 5-pixel border on all four sides.
Video on an Item Within a Form
Using an Item to display the video allows you to mix the video with other Item s on a Form . The
VideoMIDlet code in Listing 16-5 uses this approach. You can obtain an Item instance by calling
the initDisplayMode() method using a mode of VideoControl.USE_GUI_PRIMITIVE :
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